Photo Gallery - A peek at some of our many patients
"Ahem! Some privacy, please"
All creatures great and small
"Are you serious?"
Bickering birds
Crated up and ready to release
Escaped convict
"Feed me now"
"I surrender"
"I'm stunned"
Just visiting
"A little to the left, please"
Love comes in all sizes
Not nearly as cute as I look
Nothing quite like a baby asleep in your arms...or hands
"Oh, hi there"
Singing for my supper
"So, tell me again when my eyes will open"
They're open now!
Sweet, but seriously injured
"Think they'll notice one missing berry?"
"Unhand me, you bully!"
"Was there something you wanted to say to me?"
We've been around 60 million years...must be doing something right
"What part of "Feed Me" did you not understand?"
"What'cha got to eat over there?"
"Yes, Sherlock, my wing is broken"
"You got anything to eat?"
Posing in the wildlife nursery